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2024.04.03( 週三. )





篇名 作者 頁數
宗教全球化的挑戰與協同──論慈濟慈悲利他的全球化 何日生 1
Challenges and Collaboration in Religious Globalization: On the Globalization of Tzu Chi’s Compassion and Altruism
慈濟女性創建的海外據點––矽谷、印尼、莫三比克 李玉珍 39
Silicon Valley, Indonesia, Mozambique: Three Tzu Chi Overseas Chapters Founded by Women
全球化下跨宗教合作——慈濟與盧布林明愛會之烏克蘭難民援助探析 賴睿伶 75
Interreligious Cooperation in the Era of Globalization: An Analysis of Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainian Refugees by Tzu Chi and Caritas Lublin
世界性的慈悲心——慈濟在歐洲的跨國參與與文化適應 顧頡鋒 105
Cosmopolitan Compassion: Tzu Chi’s Transnational Engagement and Cultural Adaptation in Europe*
人類共有的地球責任——慈濟全球環保行動的時代意義 劉怡寧 159
Humankind’s Shared Responsibility for the Earth: The Contemporary Significance of Tzu Chi’s Global Environmental Action
何謂執與障的 「分 別 起 」?──以《成唯識論》為例 劉宇光 187
What it Means by Ideological Initiation Vikalpita of Grasping and Obstructions? According to Cheung Wei Shih Lun
「梵化之機應慎」──印順法師及其「人間佛教」對「釋尊之特見」的體認 杜忠全 219
Caution Against the “Brahmanized Buddhism” : The Recognition of Shakyamuni’s Outstanding Insights by Master Yin-Shun and his Humanistic Buddhism
最後更新日期: 2024-04-03