A. Refereed papers (期刊論文)
1. Chia-Hao Lee, Kuo-Jui Wu, Ming-Lang Tseng (2018). “Resource management practice through eco-innovation toward sustainable development using qualitative information and quantitative data.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 202, 120-129. (2020: SCIE, IF:9.297, JIF RANK: 6/54)
2. Dong-Her Shih, Chia-Ming Lu, Chia-Hao Lee, Sin-Ye Cai, Kuo-Jui Wu, Ming-Lang Tseng (2018). “Eco-Innovation in Circular Agri-Business.” Sustainability, 10, 1140.(2020: SCIE, IF: 3.251, JIF RANK: 124/274 )
3. Dong-Her Shih, Chia-Ming Lu, Chia-Hao Lee, Yuh-Jiuan M. Parng, Kuo-Jui Wu, Ming-Lang Tseng (2018). “A Strategic Knowledge Management Approach to Circular Agribusiness.” Sustainability, 10, 2389.(2020: SCIE, IF: 3.251, JIF RANK: 124/274 )
4. Lee, Chia-Hao and Szu-Hsien Lin, 2010, “Volatility and Trading Activity:
An Application of Component-GARCH in Asian Futures Markets,” The Empirical Economics Letters (Econlit), 9(1), pp. 99-106.
5. Lee, Chia-Hao and Jack J. W. Yang, 2008, “A Trading Decision Support System Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Technique: Evidence from Asian Stock Markets,” Journal of International Management Studies, 3, pp.235-242.
6. 類惠貞、李家豪、莊淨琳,2008,「壓力衝擊環境下之機構投資人從眾行為」,中技學報,第九卷,第一期。
7. 楊踐為、李家豪、類惠貞,2007,「應用時間序列分析法建構台灣證券市場之預測交易模型」,中華管理評論,2007年八月,第十卷,第二期。
8. 林金賢、李家豪,2003,「利用類神經模糊建構投資組合」,管理學報(TSSCI),2003年四月,第二卷,第二期。
B. Conference papers (研討會論文)
1.李家豪、曾姿馨、楊雅淳、葉育綾、蘇文清、江天佑,“台達電投資策略分析”, 2022創新創業暨經營管理研討會,台灣彰化
2.李家豪、王一玲,(2021),“台灣股票指數型基金波動不對稱性之探討”, 2021創新創業暨經營管理研討會,台灣彰化
3. Chih-Cheng Chen, Chien-Wen Chen, Chia-Hao Lee, 2015, “Analysis consumer’s behavioral with decision making in purchase Green Appliances”,The 16th International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference.
4. Szu-Hsien Lin, Chia-Hao Lee, Ai-Chi Hsu, Hung-Yi Su and Chun-Sheng Chen, 2014, THE EFFECTS OF FINANCIAL FACTORS ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT AND RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, Global Conference on Business and Finance Proceedings.
5. 李家豪、謝宗祐,(2012), “台灣股票型共同基金的元月效應與窗飾效應-基金經理人投資行為之探討”, 第九届两岸金融市场发展研讨会——2012两岸金融合作发展新局,中國浙江,浙江大學
6. Lee, Chia-Hao and Tzung-Yuan Hsieh, 2010, “A Trading Decision Support System Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Technique: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Market”, 2010 International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management (APBITM), July 25-27, Beijing, China.
7. 李家豪、林思賢、田怡珍、林詩方,(2010),“台灣股票型共同基金報酬波動分析-元月效應與窗飾效應的影響”,2010當代管理論壇研討會,彰化縣,大葉大學企管系。
8. Lee, Chia-Hao and Szu-Hsien Lin, 2010, “Volatility and Trading Activity: An Application of Component-GARCH in Asian Futures Markets”, 2010 International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology
Management (APBITM), January 24-26, Cebu, Philippines.
9. 李家豪,2008,“亞洲股價指數期貨波動與交易行為關係之探討”,2008年企業決策與經貿發展學術研討會,彰化縣,明道大學。
10.Lin, Chin-Shien, Chia-Hao Lee and Chi-Chung Huang, 2001, “The Trading Performance of Technical Trading Rules Based on Neuro Fuzzy: Evidence from Taiwan’s Stock Market,” 2001 ACME International Conference, U.S.A.
11.林金賢、李家豪、黃啟仲,(2001),“結合類神經模糊與KD 技術指標預測台灣股票市場”,2001跨科際整合管理國際學術研討會。
12.吳志正、李家豪、王亭力,(2001) “飛進網路的鳳凰-鳳凰旅行社的電子化歷程”,第四屆企業經營管理個案研討會。
13.林金賢、李家豪、黃啟仲,(2001),“結合KD 技術指標與金賢、李家豪、黃啟仲,(2001),“結合KD 技術指標與類神經模糊理論交易系統績效之討探”,第三屆亞太管理學術研討會。
15.林金賢、李家豪、黃啟仲,(2000),“建諸於KD 技術指標之交易系統-類神經模糊理論之應用”,第四屆財金理論與實務研討會。