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About us


The department trains cogent and coherent hospitality professionals who see through the essence of things and their causes, realizing the importance of practicing social responsibility, strengthening students' ability to communicate and integrate, and practice professional knowledge in hospitality industries.



  1.  Industrial connection: Through department-industry cooperation, students enter four-star hotels for internship and connect to employment directly.
  2.  Practice: The Yun-Lai Hotel is used as a professional venue for hospitality practice for students to familiarize themselves with the workplace as well as technical skills early and stay ahead of their peers.
  3.  Situational teaching: The department introduces the OSCE learning evaluation system used by medical schools. In doing so, students can examine whether their studies meet their own expectations and industrial needs through simulating actual situations in the workplace.
  4.  Certification-oriented teaching: The department actively counsels students to obtain relevant certifications for hospitality and enhances their competitiveness in the future job market through national professional certifications.


Last Updated Date: 2023-09-12