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About us


The Department of Fashion Design covers fashion design and fashion styling, and the breadth of the ability to integrate and apply multiple areas of fashion. Based on theory and focuses on practical training, the department trains students’ professional knowledge and functionality in fashion and style design, supplemented by knowledge in fashion business and new media, and fosters proper attitudes and workplace ethics to expand students’ development.



  1. Diversified curriculum: The department trains students’ ability to integrate clothing, makeup and hair design, accessories, as well as styling and image, and to implement cross-disciplinary integration with new media, meeting the fashion industry’s needs of developing professionals in multi-integration.
  2. Innovation and creative thinking: The department plans customized and refined learning paths to correspond to students' unique characteristics, and leads students with adaptive teaching methods and advanced guidance. Also, the department invites renowned masters from the industries to collaborate in teaching, organizes international lectures, master workshops, certification-oriented courses, competition counseling classes, industry-specific classes, and enterprise visits to stimulate students' design potential.
  3. Promote international exchange and relocation learning: The department leads students to conduct inter-campus and corporate exchanges and industry-academic projects in Europe, the United States, Japan, and Korea to expand students' global perspective.
  4. Integration of industrial design projects with curriculum: The department signs industrial- academic cooperation projects with enterprises for students to experience and understand the industrial workflow, enabling students to link up with the industry.


Last Updated Date: 2023-10-31