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Scott Pacey
Scott Pacey

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK.

Assistant Professor, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham, UK.





Ph.D. in Buddhism, Australian National University.



Main Research


Modern Buddhism, New religious movements, Religion in the modern world





1.     SCOTT PACEY, 2005. A Buddhism for the Human World: Interpretations of Renjian Fojiao in Contemporary Taiwan Asian Studies Review. 29(March), 61-77

2.     XINGSHI JIANGJUN (SHENGYAN), 2010. Further Discussion of the Similarities and Differences between Buddhism and Christianity (Zai lun Fojiao he Jidujiao de tongyi). Translated by Scott Pacey. In: GREGORY A. BARKER and STEPHEN E. GREGG, eds., Jesus Beyond Christianity: The Classic Texts Oxford University Press. 250-257

3.     SCOTT PACEY, 2012. Heterotopia and the Southern Heaven: Xingyun’s Antipodean Buddhist Mission. In: WENDY SMITH, MATT TOMLINSON and LENORE MANDERSON, eds., Flows of Faith: Religious Reach and Community in Asia and the Pacific Springer Publishing Company. 123-142

4.     SCOTT PACEY, 2014. Taixu, Yogācāra and the Buddhist Approach to Modernity. In: JOHN MAKEHAM, ed., Transforming Consciousness: The Intellectual Reception of Yogācāra Thought in Modern China Oxford University Press. 103-122

5.     SCOTT PACEY, 2014. Tan Sitong’s ‘Great Unity’: Mental Processes and Yogācāra in ‘An Exposition of Benevolence. In: JOHN MAKEHAM, ed., Transforming Consciousness: The Intellectual Reception of Yogācāra Thought in Modern China Oxford University Press. 149-169

6.     SCOTT PACEY, 2015. Contemporary Chinese Buddhist Practice. In: JOHN POWERS, ed., The Buddhist World Routledge. 417-432

7.     SCOTT PACEY, 2015. Sinitic Buddhism in China, Korea and Japan. In: JOHN POWERS, ed., The Buddhist World Routledge. 88-103

8.     SCOTT PACEY, 2016. Eminence and Edutainment: Chinese Buddhist Monastics as TV Celebrities. In: STEFANIA TRAVAGNIN, ed., Religion and the Media in China. Routledge. 71-89



最後更新日期: 2022-11-01