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林楊林、邱怡欣 (2019)。台灣原住民的自我悲憫、自我效能與酒精依賴問題之研究。第十五屆台灣心理治療聯合會。
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許力云、林旖旎、邱怡欣 (2019)。後設認知覺察與人際親密能力對於準心理師的實習經驗的影響。2019全國創新研究與教育實務研討會,新竹,台灣。
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Lin, Y, Chiu Y. H. C., Chen, Y. H., & Lai, P. H. (2019). Experiences of Women Graduate Students in Taiwan. 2019「玩」的正向心理饗宴-正向心理實務的新趨勢,新竹,台灣。
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Lin, Y., Chiu Y. H. C., Chen, Y. H., & Lai, P. H. (2019). Students’ Pursuing Positive Development over University Journey in Taiwan. 2019「玩」的正向心理饗宴-正向心理實務的新趨勢,新竹,台灣。
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Chiu Y. H. C., Lin, Y., & Hsieh, J. C. (2019). An App to Enhance Mindfulness Training at Home. 2019「玩」的正向心理饗宴-正向心理實務的新趨勢,新竹,台灣。
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Lin, Y. L. & Chiu Y. H. C. (2019). The study of Taiwan Aborigines' Self-compassion, Self-efficacy and Alcohol Dependence Disorder. 2019 Taiwan Psychology Association Convention.
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許力云、林旖旎、邱怡欣 (2019)。實習心理師的後設認知覺察與人際親密能力對於其實習表現之影響。2019 Taiwan Psychology Association Convention.
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Lin, Y. L. & Chiu Y. H. C. (2019). The Relationships of Taiwanese Aborigines' Self-compassion, Alcohol Refusal Self-efficacy, and Alcohol Dependence Level. 2nd Global Summit for Mental Health Advocates, 2019, Prioritizing Mental Health Promotion.
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邱怡欣、林旖旎 (2019)。個案報告-天之驕者的憂鬱。2019台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
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高菱讌、黃佑嘉、古永利、邱怡欣 (2019)。臨床心理師如何與亨廷頓舞蹈症個案工作。2019台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
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何春吉、呂芳潁、張庭嘉、陳品璆、邱怡欣 (2019)。女性臨床從業人員如何與思覺失調症且具反社會人格傾向患者工作。2019台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
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張育裴、林亞希、梁家俊、鄭曉儀、邱怡欣 (2019)。以觀察員之角度探討團體凝聚力在團體不同歷程階段之分析-緩起訴戒癮團體為例。2019台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
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林鉑堅、邱怡欣 (2019)。自閉症類群障礙症合併ADHD個案報告-想要被認同的孩子。2019台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
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林鉑堅、邱怡欣 (2019)。重度自閉症類群障礙症個案報告-喜歡與人互動的自閉症少年。2019台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
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黃詩儒、彭婕妤、邱怡欣 (2018)。亞斯伯格症青少年家庭生活與學校生活之探究-以一位國中生及一位大學生為例。2018台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
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劉欽源、古永利、邱怡欣 (2018)。憂鬱症患者反覆出入院之反思。2018台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
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張淑媛、古永利、邱怡欣 (2018)。精神科急性病房的團體治療歷程與反思。2018台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會。
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Lin, Y., Chen, Y. H., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2018). Work Experience of Middle-aged Women in Taiwan. 2018 International Conference on Education Innovation, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
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Lin, Y., Chen, Y. H., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2018). Learning and Development Experiences of Volunteer Counselors at A Life-Line Association in Taiwan. 2018 International Conference on Education Innovation, Hsin Chu,Taiwan.
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Lin, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2018). Students’ Learning and Development Experiences in Secondary Education Program in Taiwan. Conference of Teaching Practice and Research in Higher Education, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
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Lin, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2018). Peer Experiences of Secondary Education Students in Taiwan. Conference of Teaching Practice and Research in Higher Education, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
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Lin, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2018). Experiences of Integrating Theory and Practice: Secondary Education Students in the Course of Counseling. Conference of Teaching Practice and Research in Higher Education, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
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邱怡欣 (2018)。正念園藝治療的理論與方案介紹。社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。
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陳柏霖、葉寶玲、陳建安、邱怡欣 (2018)。園藝療育培訓認證課程之效益分析。社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。
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林旖旎、邱怡欣 (2018)。設計台灣大學生的園藝與藝術治療團體。社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。
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林旖旎、邱怡欣 (2018)。設計台灣青少年學生的園藝與芳香紓壓治療團體。社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。
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林旖旎、邱怡欣 (2018)。設計台灣研究生園藝及閱讀的治療團體。社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。
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邱怡欣 (2016)。生理回饋與正念研究簡介(口頭報告)。正念助人學會第三次主題論壇,台北,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C., Yin-Sheng Chen, Y. S., Lin, Y. N. (2016). Co-parenting Experiences with the Spouse and Maternal Stress among Chinese Immigrant Mothers in Taiwan. 台灣心理學會第55屆年會暨國際學術研討會,台南,國立成功大學,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C., Liu, L. C., Hsieh, J., Lin, Y. N. (2016). EEG Comparisons of TV Watching and Mindfulness Meditation. 台灣心理學會第55屆年會暨國際學術研討會,台南,國立成功大學,台灣。 |
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沈嘉玲,邱怡欣 (2016)。「老人與憂鬱」議題研究現況之分析- 1993年~2015年之臺灣各大學碩博論文總覽。台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。 |
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沈嘉玲,邱郁玟,邱怡欣,張家銘 (2016)。老年非精神科住院病患憂鬱情緒與自殺意念之描述性分析。台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。 |
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林雅齡,邱怡欣 (2016)。個案報告:高功能自閉症合併ADHD孩子的蛻變。台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。 |
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許力云,邱怡欣 (2016)。自閉症類群障礙症合併ADHD個案報告-渴望交到朋友的孩子。台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。 |
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王語恩,古永利,邱怡欣 (2016)。實習心理師在晤談歷程中的反移情經驗:案例片段分析。台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。 |
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陳慧慈,古永利,邱怡欣 (2016)。住院病人晤談反思-個案研究分析。台灣臨床心理學會年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。 |
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Yi-Hsing Claire Chiu, Yii-nii Lin. (2016). A Program Evaluation of Bully Prevention at an Elementary School in Northern Taiwan. 2016玄奘大學社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。 |
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Yi-Hsing Claire Chiu, Yii-nii Lin, Yuan-yu Hsu, Shiang-chun Peng, Ke-shan Li. (2016). Reflections on Building Therapeutic Relationship with a Patient with Borderline Personality Disorder. 2016玄奘大學社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。 |
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Yii-nii Lin, Yi-Hsing Claire Chiu, Pi-hui Lai. (2016). Students’ Experiences of Engagement on University Campuses in Taiwan. 2016玄奘大學社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。 |
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Yii-Nii Lin, Yi-Hsing Claire Chiu, Pi-hui Lai. (2016). University Life Description: Perspectives of Taiwanese Students. 2016玄奘大學社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。 |
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Lin, Y. Chiu, Y. H. C. (2016). Student Volunteers’ Perspectives on University Counseling Centers in Taiwan. 台灣心理學會第55屆年會暨國際學術研討會,台灣,台南,國立成功大學。 |
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Yi-Hsing Claire Chiu, Li-chun Liu, Cheng-hao Lin, Jui-chien Hsieh. (2016). The Application of a Portable EEG onto Mindfulness Biofeedback Training and Research. American Psychological Association Annual Convention (APA), Denver, CO, USA. |
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葉寶玲,邱怡欣 (2016)。心理師守門人:碩士層級心理師專業能力會考之經驗分享。台灣應用心理學會年會暨學術研討會(口頭發表),台中,台灣。 |
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Lin, Y. Chiu, Y. H. C. (2015). Defining Student Success over University Career: Perspectives of Taiwanese University Students. International Conference on Education and Psychology (ICEAP), Nagoya, Japan. |
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Yi-Hsing Claire Chiu, Hsuan-min Sun, Yii-nii Lin. (2015). Rejection Sensitivity, Interpersonal Intimacy Competence, and Self-consciousness of Counseling and Clinical Psychology Graduate Students in Taiwan. International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning (ICEPL) 2015-Fall, Nagoya, Japan. |
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劉育騏,李可珊,張家銘,邱怡欣 (2015)。諮商師的價值觀影響諮商治療歷程的方向:案例片段分析。台灣心理治療與心理衛生年度聯合會,台北,台灣。 |
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周筠芷,邱怡欣 (2015)。台灣社交焦慮者的人際價值與人際優勢。台灣心理學會第54屆年會暨國際學術研討會,台北,台灣。 |
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蔡旻珊,邱怡欣 (2015)。去中心化對於經驗逃避與社交焦慮的影響—以台灣兩所私校大學生為例。台灣心理學會第54屆年會暨國際學術研討會,台北,台灣。 |
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鄭有順,楊施韻,邱怡欣 (2015)。從認知治療觀點協助轉化實習諮商心理師的內在焦慮。台灣輔導與諮商學會,台北,台灣。 |
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黃培婷,邱怡欣(2015)。個案報告 ─ 辯證行為治療在成人反覆自傷個案之應用。玄奘大學應用心理學系 2015 年「心理、科技、跨領域」研討會心理科技跨領域研討會,新竹,台灣。 |
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高志岳、陳以青,邱怡欣(2015)。如何協助思覺失調症患者克服對於認知行為療法回家作業的困難。玄奘大學應用心理學系 2015 年「心理、科技、跨領域」研討會心理科技跨領域研討會,新竹,台灣。 |
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陳得惠,邱怡欣(2015)。日照單位失智症長者在參與懷舊團體工作後之改變。心理科技跨領域研討會。玄奘大學應用心理學系 2015 年「心理、科技、跨領域」研討會心理科技跨領域研討會,新竹,台灣。 |
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柯瓊雅,邱怡欣,楊淑貞(2015)。駐地實習諮商心理師自我成長歷程與專業反思。心理科技跨領域研討會。玄奘大學應用心理學系 2015 年「心理、科技、跨領域」研討會心理科技跨領域研討會,新竹,台灣。 |
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Lin, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2015). Experiences of university senior students in Taiwan. The Fifth Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP). Osaka, Japan. |
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Lin, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2015). Psychosocial development of university students in Taiwan. The Fifth Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP). Osaka, Japan. |
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范宸瑋,邱怡欣(2015)。大學生對傳統諮商與網路諮商的求助態度差異。第六屆社會思想暨首屆華人應用心理國際研討會,台北。 |
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邱怡欣,葉寶玲(2014)。心理治療見習的學習歷程與學習成效之評估研究。2014台灣輔導與諮商學會年會,台北。 |
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Yi-Hsing Claire Chiu, Zi-Jian Feng, Yii-nii Lin. (2014). Is Mindful Awareness Helpful Enough? The Roles of Mindful Awareness and Metacognitive Awareness on the Relations between Adolescents’ Ruminative Responses and Their Risk for Depression. 2014臺灣心理學會年會,台北。 |
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Yi-Hsing Claire Chiu, Ya-Fang Chang, Chao-chang Chiu, Jui-chien Hsieh. (2014). Facilitating and Measuring Children’s Improvement of Learning Experiences With the use of Brainwave Monitoring. 2014臺灣心理學會年會,台北。 |
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呂翊庭、邱怡欣、古永利、林旖旎 (2014)。苦惱自責反芻和深思反省反芻對於羞愧感和自殺行為風險間的影響。2014台灣自殺防治學會年會暨學術研討會,台北。 |
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梁嘉琳、邱怡欣、古永利 (2014)。金門縣老年人憂鬱症狀與自殺意念的危險因子與保護因子之探究。2014台灣自殺防治學會年會暨學術研討會,台北。 |
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柯詒菁、廖春滿、邱怡欣 (2014)。彰化醫院日間病友人際溝通成長團體療效因子介入方案成效評估。玄奘大學社會科學院學術研討會,玄奘大學,新竹。 |
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Lin, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., Hsieh, H. H., Chen, Y. H., & Lai, P. H. (2014). Development of university counseling profession in Taiwan. 玄奘大學社會科學院學術研討會,玄奘大學,新竹。 |
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Lin, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., Lai, P. H., Hsieh, H. H., & Chen, Y. H. (2014). Learning and development experience of dormitory peer mentors in Taiwan. 玄奘大學社會科學院學術研討會,玄奘大學,新竹。 |
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劉育騏,陳景彥,邱怡欣。(2013)。北部縣市家暴戒酒教育輔導團體成效初探。玄奘大學學術論文發表會,玄奘大學,新竹。 |
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Chang, J. W., Lin, Y. N., & Chiu*, Y. H. C. (2013). The Effects of Parent-child Attachment on Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Problems: The Comparison of Cross-national and Same-national Families in Taiwan. 台灣心理學會第52屆年會暨學術研討會,國立政治大學,台北,台灣。 |
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Liang, C. L. & Chiu*, Y. H. C. (2013). Social Support, Depression, and Suicidal Risks among the Elderly in Kinmen County. 台灣心理學會第52屆年會暨學術研討會,國立政治大學,台北,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C. (2013). Stress, Coping and Social Networking of Vietnamese-Taiwanese Families and Their Children. 2013 American Psychological Association Convention, Hawaii, USA. |
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Chiu, Y. H. C*, Fan , C. W, & Lin, Y. N. (2013). Attitudes toward Traditional Counseling and Internet-based Counseling among College Students in Taiwan. 2013 Asia Pacific Rim International Counseling and Psychotherapy Conference. Kuching, Malaysia. |
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Chiu, Y. H. C*, Chang, M. J, & Lin, Y. N. (2013). The Group Counseling Experiences of Male Adolescents with Conduct Problems in Taiwan. 2013 Asia Pacific Rim International Counseling and Psychotherapy Conference. Kuching, Malaysia. |
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Lin, Y. & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2013). Experiential learning and psychosocial development of Taiwanese university students. 2013 Asia Pacific Rim International Counseling and Psychotherapy Conference. Kuching, Malaysia. |
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Lin, Y. & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2013). Managing a good-quality life over the university journey: Perspectives of Taiwanese university students. 2013 Asia Pacific Rim International Counseling and Psychotherapy Conference. Kuching, Malaysia. |
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Lin, Y., Hsieh, H., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2013). Experience of teacher education students in learning psychology of adolescence. 2013 International Conference of Social Sciences, 玄奘大學,新竹,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C*,, Yu, S. M., & Lin, Y. N. (2013). The Associations of Different Types of Bullying, Different Victimizations of Bullying, and Peer Relationships among Fifth- and Sixth- Grade Students in Taiwan. 2013 International Conference of Social Sciences, 玄奘大學,新竹,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C*, Chen, C. W., & Lin, Y. N. (2013). The Effects of Social Network Characteristics on Mental Health: A Study of Vietnamese Immigrant Women in Taiwan. 2013 International Conference of Social Sciences, 玄奘大學,新竹,台灣。 |
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詹佳聞、邱怡欣 (2012)。專業效能對工作壓力和工作壓力後果的中介作用:以新竹半導體晶圓代工廠員工的經驗為例。2012心理治療與心理衛生年度聯合會。台北,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C. (2012). The Comparisons of College Students Adjusting Well and Those With Adjustment Problems. 2012臺灣諮商心理學會年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。 |
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張嘉芸、邱怡欣 (2012)。大學生的身體意象調查與飲食疾患之預測。2012年玄奘大學社會科學院學術研討會,玄奘大學,新竹,台灣。 |
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Chang, M. J., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2012). The Evaluation of a Group Therapy Program for Male Adolescents at a Half-way Group Home. 台灣臨床心理學年會暨學術研討會,私立亞洲大學,台中,台灣。 |
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Chan, J. W., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2012). The Effects of Stress Coping Strategies and Professional Efficacy on Work Stress and Stress Outcomes. 台灣臨床心理學年會暨學術研討會,私立亞洲大學,台中,台灣。 |
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Yo, S. F., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2011). The Effects of Coping Strategies and Interpersonal Fitting-Harmony on Dual Autonomy Development and Mental Health Outcomes. 第七屆華人心理學家學術研討會,中央研究院,台北,台灣。 |
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Wang, M. L. & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2011). A Comparison of Parenting Styles of Single and Married Immigrant Mothers as Perceived by Their Children. 台灣心理學會第50屆年會暨學術研討會,私立亞洲大學,台中,台灣。 |
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Yu, S. M., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2011). Children's Experiences of Bullying, Being Bullied, and Peer Relationship: A Study at a Grade School in Miaoli, Taiwan. 台灣心理學會第50屆年會暨學術研討會,私立亞洲大學,台中,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C. (2011). How Do Adolescents Cope with Stress? A Qualitative Comparison of Chinese-American and Hispanic-American High School Students. 2011 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science, Shanghai, China. |
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詹佳聞、邱怡欣 (2011)。高科技產業員工的壓力因應策略與其對於身體健康和情緒耗竭的影響,2011年玄奘大學社會科學院學術研討會,玄奘大學,新竹,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C., & Yu, S. F. (2011). The Interrelationship of College Students’ Dual Autonomy Development, Coping Strategies, and Mental Health. 台灣臨床心理學年會暨學術研討會,私立中原大學,中壢,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C., & Chen, C. W. (2010). A Comparative Study of Vietnamese and Chinese Immigrant Women's Social Network in Taiwan (越南籍新移民女性與大陸籍新移民女性的社會網絡研究). 2010心理治療與心理衛生年度聯合會,私立實踐大學,台北,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C., & Suei, T. P. (2010). The Use of Film Teaching and Writing Exercise to Enhance Children's Self-concept. 台灣心理學會第49屆年會,國立中正大學,嘉義,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C., & Yang, R. F. (2010). The Transactional Processes of Coping with Different Stressors: A Study on Taiwanese Youngsters. The 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology (第四屆亞洲健康心理學國際會議), Taipei, Taiwan. |
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Chiu, Y. H. C. (2010). Predictors of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems among Chinese American and Hispanic American Adolescents. The 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Melbourne, Australia. |
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Chiu, Y. H. C., & Huang, C. F. (2010). The Effects of Virtual Social Support on Depressive Symptoms and Internet Addiction among Taiwanese College Students. 台灣臨床心理學年會暨學術研討會,國立政治大學,台北,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C., & Yang, R. F. (2010). Gender Differences in Psychological Health, Stressful Experiences, and Ways of Coping among Taiwanese High School Students. 台灣臨床心理學年會暨學術研討會,國立政治大學,台北,台灣。 |
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Chiu, Y. H. C. (2009). How do effective and ineffective copers differ in their responses to stress? An examination of Chinese-American and Hispanic-American immigrant adolescents. The 11th Europian Congress of Psychology. Oslo, Norway. . |
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Chiu, Y. H. C. (2009). Stress and Coping Processes Among Chinese and Hispanic-American Adolescents. Society for Cross-Cultural Research 2009 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA. |
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Chiu, Y. H. C. (2007). Stress and Coping among Chinese American Adolescents and Their Peers. American Psychological Association (APA) 2007 Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
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Chiu, Y. H. C. (2006). Experiences of Stress and Coping among Asian American Middle School and High School Students. Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) 2006 Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, USA. |
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Chiu, Y. H. C. (1997). What Colors Are Their Parachutes? The Needs and Satisfaction of the Asian International Students at the University of Minnesota . Principal Investigator and Student Travel Award, Poster Presentation at Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) 1997 Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, USA. |