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Contact Info

48, Hsuantsang Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Tel: 886-3-5302255

Fax: 886-3-5397400

E-Mail:  hcu@hcu.edu.tw

Chinese Site


1. Established in 1997. Renamed in 2004

2. Established: 1997

3. School Area: 156,000 M2

4. Buildings:

(1) Bai-Sheng Memorial

(2) Kuang-Ching Building

(3) Maou-Zan Building

(4) Library and Audio-Visual Services Building

(5) Student Dormitory

(6) Student Activity Center

(7) Activity Square, Auditorium


5. Academic Services:

(1) Computer Center

(2) Language Center

(3) Audio-Visual Room

(4) Multimedia Studio

(5) Broadcast Studio

(6) TV Studio

(7) Photograph Studio


6. Dormitory: The beautiful dormitory is located on hills.Five students share one suite with Internet equipment. The dormitory building includes a square lined with a variety of stores, such as restaurants, a cafeteria, a grocery store, a barbershop, and a bakery.


7. Student clubs: We have a wide variety of clubs- academic,recreational,sports,art,alumni associations,etc. http://www.hcu.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml


Last Updated Date: 2024-03-05